Sunday, January 13, 2008

Target: Store of Satan

I was at a target the other day watching all of the ugly, smelly people shop when it hit me. I am in hell...yes, target is hell. People often think of Target as an upscale Wal Mart. But, that is only because of Targets advertising. Target has fooled some people, mostly idiots, into thinking that the cheap, plastic, made in china, coated in lead, CRAP that you can get there is "cute" and "trendy". Well I promise that anything from Target is far from that. The crap you buy there is offensive. Not only will the cheap lead coated platic kill YOU, but it also destroys culture. There is nothing as devoid of culture as some college aged schmuck grabbing mass produced plastic cups because they are "so cute"

Next time you are at a target, if you must. Take a look around you at all the morons. Buying giant plastic stuff. Disgusting. Have you ever seen a target add? Yes, that is a Beatles song in their commercial. Sickened to hear one of the greatest bands ever not only have a song butchered, but also hawking detergent, toilet paper, and a wal mart wanna be? You Should Be.

Here in Chicago Targets are popping up like weeds. It's like the store is planning on turning the city into one of the homogenized suburbs. Which would really be unfortunate. We're already being choked to death by wal greens and starbucks, now Target can take part in destroying our culture and art too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am one of those idiots. I hope Target takes over the city... I hope they take over my apartment building! I want to live in Target and swim in its cheap products until I drown in the savings!

P.S. I'm registered at Target :)

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