Thursday, January 10, 2008

Starbucks is Taking Over the World

It has finally happened! Starbucks is starting to slump, and big competitors have decided to kick starbucks while its down and try to take away even more business. McDonalds just announced that it was going to start serving lattes in their restaurants, so that you can relax and enjoy a latte while listening to screaming kids drown in a pit of plastic balls. Nothing more relaxing than that.

Starbucks has grown so much that there is simply no place left to go. It's located literally across the street from itself. That, and the fact that Britney Spears is its unofficial spokeswoman probably led to its fall.

The evil corporate giant is even rumored to be in talks to start advertising on our cell phones. Yep, if you have a cell phone with GPS expect to start receiving advertisements soon every time you walk near a starbucks. Isn't technology wonderful. There are plenty of coffee shops everywhere, ones that are better than the ground cardboard taste of starbucks. Isn't it time we support local business instead of a corporate giant that wants to exploit us for game.

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