Monday, October 29, 2007


Just when i thought reality tv shows couldn't get any more superficial, i flip past the greatest show ever produced for the E! Network, Sunset Tan. The premise of the show is a tanning salon.

Yes, that's it, just a tanning salon.

The extra-guido owner has hired two Paris Hilton-esque twins to work for them. lets just say that to call these girls are mentally challenged is being nice. The show follows their foibles as they do crazy things such as: tan a nerd, tan celebrities, break tanning light bulbs, dont' sell enough lotion, etc.

Take a look at this clip with "celebrity" Chris Kattan.

First of all, Chris Kattan is the big celebrity? Since when? Also why are these two skanks trying to pimp themselves out to a middle aged celebrity? Is this show even real...or are these girls so dumb you just can't believe its real. Sadly I think we all know the answer to that.

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