Friday, October 26, 2007


Its the time of year when everyone becomes more interested in paranormal activity. Be it real or fake, people like being scared. When trolling youtube for something scary i came across this nugget

Check out those faces at 3:00 and 8:45. Are those masks? Are they fake? what makes someone decide that those aren't maksks and must be real ghosts?

Now, take a look at this clip which labels the ghosts for you:

Vidhya Ramasami, of Naperville, IL believe that she is being stalked by a clumsy ghost named Stevie, who likes to play tricks on her. She cites many stranges noises and occurances in her many apartments. "Ghosts are in fact real." she states finally. Is she right? or just another derranged enthusiast? What do YOU think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Vidhya is always right.

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